
a surgeon removes her own shadow
a boy trapped in a block of ice
is tossed off the side
of an ocean liner
there is not one kind
of astonishment
the mind is the world
growing disgusted with itself
i have no answer
to the question of a mandrill
drinking from a pool
of printer ink
a lion’s body washing
up on starfish beach
its belly full
of math
i am not shocked
by the delicate fire
in the eyes of the dead
this is the world
a soldier loads a musket
full of molars
then points it at the moon
the moon is a beautiful toe
floating asleep
on the wrinkled Atlantic
eternity beats
in the background
while I feed myself
and antler jelly
look at me
go it’s midnight
i survived
the ridiculous past
and found an even more
goofable future
where the clouds
eat meat
and the hearts of men
are soda cups
full of old
deflated stars
i’m headed for you
you’re glistening
like a field made of mirrors
where i can walk
and see only myself
Biographical Statement
Lloyd Wallace is an MFA student at George Mason and an editorial coordinator for Poetry Daily. His writing has appeared or is forthcoming in FENCE, Peach Mag, the Washington Square Review, and elsewhere. You can find him on Twitter @jockeycornsilk or at his website lloydwallace.com.