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Issue 1: Spring 2022

  1. Serena Solin
  2. Toby Altman  
  3. S. Brook Corfman
  4. Katana Smith
  5. Natalee Cruz
  6. Emma Wilson
  7. Ashley Colley
  8. Colin Criss 
  9. Jack Chelgren
  10. Stefania Gomez 

Issue 2: Summer 2022
  1. Matthew Klane
  2. Ryan Nhu
  3. TR Brady
  4. Alana Solin
  5. K. Iver
  6. Emily Barton Altman
  7. William Youngblood
  8. Alex Wells Shapiro  
  9. Sasha Wiseman
  10. Yunkyo Moon-Kim

Issue 3: Fall 2022
  1. Sun Yung Shin
  2. Rosie Stockton
  3. Adele Elise Williams & Henry Goldkamp
  4. Noa Micaela Fields
  5. Miriam Moore-Keish
  6. Fred Schmalz
  7. Katy Hargett-Hsu
  8. Alicia Mountain
  9. Austin Miles
  10. Carlota Gamboa

  Birthday Presents
       for William Blake

    Five Words for William Blake
        on His 265th Birthday
            (after Jack Spicer)

Issue 4: Winter 2023

  2. Daniel Borzutzky
  3. Alicia Wright
  4. Asha Futterman
  5. Ellen Boyette
  6. S Cearley
  7. Sebastián Páramo
  8. Abbey Frederick
  9. Caylin Capra-Thomas
  10. maryhope|whitehead|lee & Ryan Greene

Issue 5: Spring 2023

  1. Jose-Luis Moctezuma 
  2. Peter Leight
  3. Rachel Galvin
  4. Sophia Terazawa
  5. Katherine Gibbel
  6. Lloyd Wallace
  7. Timothy Ashley Leo
  8. Jessica Laser
  9. Kira Tucker
  10. Michael Martin Shea

Issue 6: Summer 2023

An Introduction to Tyger Quarterly’s The Neo-Surrealist Interview Series

1. Mary Jo Bang 
2. Marty Cain 
3. Dorothy Chan 
4. Aditi Machado 
5. Alicia Mountain
6. Serena Solin
7. Marty Riker 
8. Francesca Kritikos
9. Luther Hughes
10. Toby Altman

Bonus: William Blake Tells All

Issue 7: Fall 2023 

1. Dennis James Sweeney 
2. M. Cynthia Cheung
3. Nathaniel Rosenthalis
4. Reuben Gelley Newman
5. James Kelly Quigley 
6. Christine Kwon
7. Maxwell Rabb
8. Maura Pellettieri 
9. Patty Nash 
10. Alyssa Moore

Issue 8: Winter 2024
1. Julian Talamantez Brolaski
2. Elizabeth Marie Young
3. Michael Gardner 
4. Steffan Triplett 
5. Margaret Yapp
6. Chelsea Tadeyeske
7. June Wilson 
8. Dawn Angelicca Barcelona
9. Evan Williams 
10. Brendan Sherry 

Issue 9 + 10: Spring/Summer 2024
1. Emily Pittinos 
2. Lisa Low 
3. Binx Perino 
4. Kai Ihns
5. Alex Tretbar 
6. Joanie Cappetta 
7. Mike Bagwell
8. Kelly Clare
9. Antonio Vargas-Nieto 
10. Olivia Sio Tse 


11. Jackson Watson
12. Myka Kielbon
13. Henie Zhang
14. David Brennan
15. Ann Pedone
16. Maddy Chrisman-Miller
17. Ronnie Sirmans
18. Evan Goldstein
19. Anne Marie Rooney
20. Cameron Lovejoy

Issue 11: Fall 2024
This issue of Tyger Quarterly is coming out on the 267th birthday of William Blake. Around 1826 Blake printed his Laocoön, at the top reads “Where any view of Money exists Art cannot be carried on but War only.” In this spirit of Blake, rather than putting out a new issue of poetry, the Tygers of Tyger Quarterly have put together links to writing, and other medias, that have figured as meaningful reading, writing, listening as we continue the fight to end Israel’s ongoing genocide in Palestine.

1. My Palestinian Poem that “The New Yorker” Wouldn’t Publish by Fady Joudah (from LARB)
2. No Human Being Can Exist + No Human Being Can Exist by Saree Makdisi (from N+1)
3. Under the Jumbotron + William Blake’s ‘Laocoön’: Why this poet’s engraving reads like a protest poster” by Anahid Nersessian (from LRB + The Yale Review) 
4. On Israel and Lebanon: A Response to Adrienne Rich from One Black Woman by June Jordan (from New York War Crimes)
5. Genocide Leaves No Illusions in Tact by Yasmeen Daher (from Verso)
6. Can You Tell Us Why This Is Happening: Testimonies from Gaza (from N+1)
7. Landing: Skateboarding in Palestine by Maen Hammad (Bonus Documentary: Epicly Palestined: The Birth of Skateboarding in the West Bank) (from N+1 + SkatePal)
8. Palestine is Everywhere, and It Is Making Us More Free: More Letters from The Apocalypse by George Abraham and Sarah Aziza (from The Nation)
9. Liberation Pedagogy at the People’s University for Gaza by Amir Marshi (from MQR)
10. “We,” A Poem for Palestine by Ghayath Almadhoun (from Outlook India) 
11. Resources Towards a Free Palestine (from Mizna)
12. Crimes Against Language: The Moral Truth of Israel’s War Against Gaza is not Difficult to Grasp by Sarah Aziza (from The Baffler)
13. Israelism: The Awakening of Young American Jews dir.  Erin Axelman and Sam Eilertsen
14. [excerpt from Palestine (+100)] Editor’s Introduction by Basma Ghalayini +  “The Curse of the Mud Ball Kid” by Mazen Maarouf (translated by Jonathan Wright)
15. If I Must Die by Refaat Alareer (from In These Times)

Issue 12: [late] Winter 2025
  1. Cean Gamalinda
  2. Léon Pradeau
  3. Danika Stegeman 
  4. Warren C. Longmire
  5. Erick Verran
  6. Phoebe Pan
  7. Temperance Aghamohammadi
  8. Josh Fomon
  9. Philip Kenner
  10. Andy Sia

Email: tyger quarterly @ gmail dot com 

©2022 TQ

                                            Katy Hargett-Hsu



before I got here         I was a morbid essay    though writing occupies me well enough

                                                                    [              before it crushes under the weight of itself     ]

he [psychiatrist] doesn’t believe women’s pain             ready for the worst         scrapes out the bog

                                                                    [              how would you rate your pain on a scale of     ]

the situation, then: to go bash the impression that my nerves were the bog

                                                                    [                         I just don’t try to be happy                        ]

coming out of bog      bog occupying body                body as allegory to implode

                                                                    [I was before & coming out of numbness, wanting       ]

a clap                 an on-off switch          chalk to the scrape       the guts to do it

                                                                    [                         by god I’ll scrape out of this year             ]

the bog              my remembered life: stalling     the slow calcification of


what’s going to happen next?

                                            [                          debrief me                             ]

undress a moment      at the mouth

without much adornment

                                            [          clean & minimal as a hatchet            ]

gone now          blood & fire in a cup

curtain drawn

                                            [             my face a forensic detail                 ]

yep         everything is fine!

I want a party!                 gown & tie

quiet, clean         in a little nondescript house

                                            [                for medical & forensic purposes]

what a wish

                                            to be alone

                                            [ & everything

slinging the mouth—                                                                                   ] 


                                           I like being external

taking off my shirt          all clear from

bronze-stained cold

call me love                     take my perpetual

infantilized hook             I’m fragile on my own

I get petulant                   trusted to a herd

a little kid                          tapping the prize

God knows                       I’ve got to steal

while everybody              looks away

call me                               locus of looking

call me                               wishing jaw

seeing is really just         tapping a belief

fast enough                      though practically useless


Biographical Statement:

Kathryn Hargett-Hsu 徐凯蒂 is an MFA candidate in poetry at Washington University in St. Louis. Most recently, she received the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize. Find her in Best New Poets, Pleiades, Crazyhorse, The Margins, Salt Hill Journal, Arts & Letters, Muzzle Magazine, TaiwaneseAmerican.org, Best New Poets, Cherry Tree, and elsewhere.