Katy Hargett-Hsu

before I got here I was a morbid essay though writing occupies me well enough
[ before it crushes under the weight of itself ]
he [psychiatrist] doesn’t believe women’s pain ready for the worst scrapes out the bog
[ how would you rate your pain on a scale of ]
the situation, then: to go bash the impression that my nerves were the bog
[ I just don’t try to be happy ]
coming out of bog bog occupying body body as allegory to implode
[I was before & coming out of numbness, wanting ]
a clap an on-off switch chalk to the scrape the guts to do it
[ by god I’ll scrape out of this year ]
the bog my remembered life: stalling the slow calcification of
what’s going to happen next?
[ debrief me ]
undress a moment at the mouth
without much adornment
[ clean & minimal as a hatchet ]
gone now blood & fire in a cup
curtain drawn
[ my face a forensic detail ]
yep everything is fine!
I want a party! gown & tie
quiet, clean in a little nondescript house
[ for medical & forensic purposes]
what a wish
to be alone
[ & everything
slinging the mouth— ]
I like being external
taking off my shirt all clear from
bronze-stained cold
call me love take my perpetual
infantilized hook I’m fragile on my own
I get petulant trusted to a herd
a little kid tapping the prize
God knows I’ve got to steal
while everybody looks away
call me locus of looking
call me wishing jaw
seeing is really just tapping a belief
fast enough though practically useless
Biographical Statement:
Kathryn Hargett-Hsu 徐凯蒂 is an MFA candidate in poetry at Washington University in St. Louis. Most recently, she received the Academy of American Poets Prize and the Lynda Hull Memorial Poetry Prize. Find her in Best New Poets, Pleiades, Crazyhorse, The Margins, Salt Hill Journal, Arts & Letters, Muzzle Magazine, TaiwaneseAmerican.org, Best New Poets, Cherry Tree, and elsewhere.